Validate an LRT hosted in ELG (at technical/metadata level)

When you have been assigned to validate a hosted LRT, at the technical/metadata level, you will receive a notification via email. To access the validation form, log in at the ELG platform and select “Administration” at the menu that pops up when you click on the dashboard icon:

Dashboard for validators

You will be re-directed to the backend administration pages. Click on Technical validations to view the catalogue of metadata records that have been assigned to you:

Catalogue for technical validators

Click on the title of the metadata record that you have been assigned to access the validation form.

Technical validation form

On this form, you can click on “DOWNLOAD” to download the uploaded files and “VIEW ON SITE” to view the metadata record.

Download and view on site on validation form

Please, check that the LRT is as expected, i.e. - no malicious files are contained

  • the data format is as set in the metadata record

  • the language value(s) are correct

You must also check the metadata elements and values to identify potential issues, such as:

  • the value for language(s) corresponds to that in the description;

  • if it’s a tool/service, the function value(s) are as in the description;

  • the description provides helpful information,


More information to be provided later.

If you are satisfied, set the values of Technically valid and Metadata valid to Yes and click on “Save”.

If not, add your comments and recommendations at the Review comments field and set the value of Technically valid and/or Metadata valid (depending on the source of the issue) to No and click on “Save”, as below:

Technical validation form with review comments

The provider will be notified by email (containing the review comments) in order to update the record. Once finished, the provider will re-submit the record for publication and you will be notified to perform the validation again.


This section is under development and continuously updated with new information. In addition, the forms included in the current release are implemented with Django. New forms will be provided later.