Minimal elements for all entities

This page describes the minimal metadata elements common to all types of entities.


Path MetadataRecord

Data type component

Optionality Mandatory

Explanation & Instructions

A set of formalized structured information used to describe the contents, structure, function, etc. of an entity, usually according to a specific set of rules (metadata schema)

The MetadataRecord element includes a set of administrative data, of which the main elements (automatically assigned by the ELG software) for metadata records registered by individuals are:

  • metadataCreator: the person that has created the metadata record

  • metadataCurator: the person that will be assigned the responsibility to update the metadata record when imported in the ELG database; it is usually the same peroson as the metadataCreator

  • metadataCreationDate: the date when the metadata record was created

  • compliesWith: for ELG metadata records, this is by default the ELG-SHARE metadata schema


    <ms:MetadataRecordIdentifier ms:MetadataRecordIdentifierScheme="">default id</ms:MetadataRecordIdentifier>
            <ms:surname xml:lang="en">Smith</ms:surname>
            <ms:givenName xml:lang="en">John</ms:givenName>
            <ms:surname xml:lang="en">Brown</ms:surname>
            <ms:givenName xml:lang="en">George</ms:givenName>