Validate an LRT hosted in ELG (at technical/metadata level)

See here how to access the Validation Tasks, which is the list of items assigned to you for validation. You can, then, apply the filters on the left to help you reduce the number of items presented or search for a specific item using the search box.

Technical Validations Tasks

By selecting one of the metadata records you will be directed to the its view page. Click on Action to access the validation form.

Technical/Metadata validation form

On the form that opens you must say whether you Approve or Reject the item after the technical and metadata validation. Please, check that the LRT is as expected, i.e.:

  • no malicious files are contained

  • the data format is as set in the metadata record

You can download the content files from the respective tab on the view page.

Download content files for validation

You are also asked to check whether the values of the following elements are included in the metadata record and whether their values match the description and contents of the dataset:

  • the value for language(s) corresponds to that in the description;

  • multilinguality type: important for findability purposes;

  • if it’s a tool/service, the function value(s) are as in the description;

  • the description provides helpful information

  • resource creator(s) and publication date: although not mandatory, they are useful for citation purposes;

  • domain(s): recommended for findability purposes; if possible, recommend the use of an existing value

  • corpus and lexical/conceptual resource subclass: important for findability purposes

  • media type(s): check that they correspond to the contents; please use “text” for transcribed speech corpora; “audio” is to be used only for data resources in audio formats

  • encoding level(s) (for Lexical/conceptual resources): “unspecified” or “other” must be avoided; if needed, a broader term can be used

  • content type(s): recommended for findability purposes

  • distribution(s): if a resource is available in multiple formats, it’s recommended to describe them as different distributions

  • size: a meaningful size unit depending on the resource type can be recommended (e.g. translation unit(s) for TMX files)

  • dataset distribution form: check the values at; depending on the form, a different element (access, download or distribution location) is recommended.

  • licence name and URL: if it’s one of the standard licences, please make sure that the licence name is the one from the ELG list of licences; in any case, the licence URL must link to a page that contains the licensing terms for the item

  • hyperlinks: check for broken links.

If you are satisfied, approve both types of validation and click on Submit.

If not, set the value of the Technical validation and/or the Metadata validation (depending on the source of the issue) to Reject. This will generate a new field where you can write the recommendations you would like to share with the curator. You can also add comments in the Validator notes field which will be visible only to other validators. When you have finished, click on submit.

Technical validation form with review comments

The provider will be notified by email (containing the review comments) in order to update the record. Once finished, the provider will re-submit the record for publication and you will be notified to perform the validation again.


Please, keep in mind that an item is published only when it has been approved at all validation levels (technical, metadata and legal).