Using the ELG services

Run an ELG service directly from Python.

from elg import Service


To use the ELG services, you need to have an ELG account and authenticate. If you are not registered in ELG yet, you can do it directly in the ELG website.

Once your account is setup, you need to authenticate inside the elg library, and to do so, you need to obtain the access_tokens. There are two ways to do it.

Directly authenticate in the Service class

The easiest way to start using ELG services is simply to init a service based on its id. The initialization will take care of the authentication and ask you to connect in the ELG website. The access_tokens will be obtained automaticly and saved in cache for further use.

lt = Service.from_id(474)

The service is then ready to be used.

result = lt("Nikolas Tesla lives in Berlin.")
        [474] Cogito Discover Named Entity Recognizer
with request:
        type: text - content: Nikolas Tesla lives in Berlin. - mimeType: text/plain

type='annotations' warnings=None features=None annotations={'People': [Annotation(start=0, end=13, source_start=None, source_end=None, features={'SURNAME': 'Tesla', 'SEX': 'M', 'name': 'Nikolas Tesla', 'NAME': 'Nikolas'})], 'Place': [Annotation(start=23, end=29, source_start=None, source_end=None, features={'Lemma': 'Berlin', 'name': 'Berlin', 'Glossa': 'Staatshauptstadt in Berlin (Deutschland/Europa', 'GEOREF': 'Berlin/Deutschland/Europa'})]}

As the tokens are now stored in cache, you can init another service without having to login again.

lt = Service.from_id(7289)

The Service class is using the Authentification class to deal with the access_tokens. You can access the tokens via the authentication attribute. It can be useful to save the tokens in a different json file or print the validation deadline of the tokens.


print(f"The tokens will expire the {lt.authentication.refresh_expires_time}")
The tokens will expire the time.struct_time(tm_year=2021, tm_mon=11, tm_mday=8, tm_hour=20, tm_min=53, tm_sec=18, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=312, tm_isdst=0)

As you can see, the obtained tokens will expire soon and will work for only a couple of hours.

To obtain offline tokens that won’t expire, you need to change the scope parameters of the Service initialization to "offline_access". As the tokens asked are different from the ones saved in cache, you will need to authenticate again.

lt = Service.from_id(474, scope="offline_access")

print(f"The tokens will expire the {lt.authentication.refresh_expires_time}")
The tokens will expire the time.struct_time(tm_year=2121, tm_mon=10, tm_mday=15, tm_hour=16, tm_min=0, tm_sec=30, tm_wday=2, tm_yday=288, tm_isdst=0)

Use the Authentication class and use the tokens in the Service class

The authentication is the main component to obtain the access_tokens. You have to init() the authentication and then save the obtained tokens into a json file to use to init a service.

from elg import Authentication

auth = Authentication.init(scope="openid")

print(f"\n\nThe tokens will expire the {auth.refresh_expires_time}")
Please go to this URL in your browser:

Paste the "success code": 41ebafbf-89fd-4f5f-bc82-3353cf58297a.34c84bea-64c8-40d7-ae1b-2f5178aafbb1.7f70e03d-f327-4333-8ec9-2b236b432169

The tokens will expire the time.struct_time(tm_year=2021, tm_mon=11, tm_mday=8, tm_hour=20, tm_min=53, tm_sec=18, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=312, tm_isdst=0)

As previously, you can change the scope parameter to obtain offline tokens.

auth = Authentication.init(scope="offline_access")

print(f"\n\nThe tokens will expire the {auth.refresh_expires_time}")
Please go to this URL in your browser:

Paste the "success code": 4db695af-1dd0-414e-80ce-12f0f903e9ba.34c84bea-64c8-40d7-ae1b-2f5178aafbb1.7f70e03d-f327-4333-8ec9-2b236b432169

The tokens will expire the time.struct_time(tm_year=2121, tm_mon=10, tm_mday=15, tm_hour=16, tm_min=10, tm_sec=33, tm_wday=2, tm_yday=288, tm_isdst=0)

The obtained tokens saved in the json file can then be used to use the services without login again.

lt = Service.from_id(474, auth_file="tokens.json")
Using authentication file: tokens.json


You can initialize a service from its id or you can also init a service from an Entity.

Using from_id

lt = Service.from_id(474)

Using from_entity

We can use the catalog to search a Named Entity Recognizer for French and init a Service with the returned Entity.

from elg import Catalog

catalog = Catalog()

results =
    resource = "Tool/Service",
    function = "Named Entity Recognition",
    languages = ["fr"],
    limit = 1,

entity = next(results)

lt = Service.from_entity(entity=entity)
result = lt("Jean Dupond vit à Paris.")
Id             474
Name           Cogito Discover Named Entity Recognizer
Resource type  Tool/Service
Entity type    LanguageResource
Description    Annotation of entities: People, Organizations, Places,
               Known concepts, Unknown concepts. And also tags: urls,
               mail addresses, phone numbers, addresses, dates, time,
               measures, money, percentage, file folder.
Licences       ['Cogito Discover License']
Languages      ['French', 'Dutch', 'Portuguese', 'English', 'German',
               'Italian', 'Spanish']
Status         None
        [474] Cogito Discover Named Entity Recognizer
with request:
        type: text - content: Jean Dupond vit à Paris. - mimeType: text/plain

type='annotations' warnings=None features=None annotations={'People': [Annotation(start=0, end=11, source_start=None, source_end=None, features={'SURNAME': 'Dupond', 'SEX': 'M', 'name': 'Jean Dupond', 'NAME': 'Jean'})], 'Place': [Annotation(start=18, end=23, source_start=None, source_end=None, features={'Lemma': 'Paris', 'name': 'Paris', 'Glossa': 'capitale in Paris (Île-de-France/France/Europe', 'GEOREF': 'Paris/Île-de-France/France/Europe'})]}


To call the services, you can use either a plain text as before, a file, or a Request object.

Call the service using plain text

lt = Service.from_id(474)
result = lt("Nikolas Tesla lives in Berlin.")
        [474] Cogito Discover Named Entity Recognizer
with request:
        type: text - content: Nikolas Tesla lives in Berlin. - mimeType: text/plain

type='annotations' warnings=None features=None annotations={'People': [Annotation(start=0, end=13, source_start=None, source_end=None, features={'SURNAME': 'Tesla', 'SEX': 'M', 'name': 'Nikolas Tesla', 'NAME': 'Nikolas'})], 'Place': [Annotation(start=23, end=29, source_start=None, source_end=None, features={'Lemma': 'Berlin', 'name': 'Berlin', 'Glossa': 'Staatshauptstadt in Berlin (Deutschland/Europa', 'GEOREF': 'Berlin/Deutschland/Europa'})]}

Call the service using a file

You can create a simple text file that contains the input you want to use to call the service.

!rm example.txt && echo "Jean Dupond vit à Paris." >> example.txt

You can pass the path to the file you just created. For audio file, you can do the same, except you need to set the request_type parameter to audio.

result = lt("example.txt")
        [474] Cogito Discover Named Entity Recognizer
with request:
        type: text - content: Jean Dupond vit à Paris.
 - mimeType: text/plain

type='annotations' warnings=None features=None annotations={'People': [Annotation(start=0, end=11, source_start=None, source_end=None, features={'SURNAME': 'Dupond', 'SEX': 'M', 'name': 'Jean Dupond', 'NAME': 'Jean'})], 'Place': [Annotation(start=18, end=23, source_start=None, source_end=None, features={'Lemma': 'Paris', 'name': 'Paris', 'Glossa': 'capitale in Paris (Île-de-France/France/Europe', 'GEOREF': 'Paris/Île-de-France/France/Europe'})]}

Call the service using a Request object

The SDK contains a representation of each ELG request message that can be used as input when calling a service.

from elg.model import TextRequest

request = TextRequest(content="Jean Dupond vit à Paris.")

result = lt(request)
        [474] Cogito Discover Named Entity Recognizer
with request:
        type: text - content: Jean Dupond vit à Paris. - mimeType: text/plain

type='annotations' warnings=None features=None annotations={'People': [Annotation(start=0, end=11, source_start=None, source_end=None, features={'SURNAME': 'Dupond', 'SEX': 'M', 'name': 'Jean Dupond', 'NAME': 'Jean'})], 'Place': [Annotation(start=18, end=23, source_start=None, source_end=None, features={'Lemma': 'Paris', 'name': 'Paris', 'Glossa': 'capitale in Paris (Île-de-France/France/Europe', 'GEOREF': 'Paris/Île-de-France/France/Europe'})]}

Advanced usages

You can apply a method to the result to extract the information needed. To do so, you have to pass a callable object in the ouput_func parameter.

service = Service.from_id(5228)
pretty_result = service("Ich habe diesen Film geliebt. Die Schauspieler, das Drehbuch: alles von einem Meisterwerk.", output_func=lambda x: x.texts[0].content)
print("Translation to Finnish: ", pretty_result)
        [5228] OPUS-MT: German-Finnish machine translation
with request:
        type: text - content: Ich habe diesen Film geliebt. Die Schauspieler, das Drehbuch: alles von einem Meisterwerk. - mimeType: text/plain

Translation to Finnish:  Rakastin tätä elokuvaa. Näyttelijät, käsikirjoitus: Kaikki mestariteoksesta.

You can also set the output_func parameter to “auto” to extract the information needed automaticly. This is not working for all the services.

service = Service.from_id(5228)
pretty_result = service("Ich habe diesen Film geliebt. Die Schauspieler, das Drehbuch: alles von einem Meisterwerk.", output_func="auto")
print("Translation to Finnish: ", pretty_result)
        [5228] OPUS-MT: German-Finnish machine translation
with request:
        type: text - content: Ich habe diesen Film geliebt. Die Schauspieler, das Drehbuch: alles von einem Meisterwerk. - mimeType: text/plain

Translation to Finnish:  Rakastin tätä elokuvaa. Näyttelijät, käsikirjoitus: Kaikki mestariteoksesta.