View item

For each catalogue item, we display a set of descriptive and technical information (metadata), together with hyperlinks to supporting documentation and other useful material. Users can also navigate to related entities through the view pages and, thus, view all LRTs created by an organization or in the framework of a project.

Main elements of the view page

All view pages have a similar look and feel, yet adapted to fit the specificic requirements of each item type. View pages are organised in the form of tabs, grouping together related types of metadata elements, and, for each tab, in sections. The main tab for all catalogue items is the overview. Taking as an example the image below for a corpus, the main sections of the overview tab are:

  • Top left section: information on the identity of the item (e.g., name, version, logo) and classification data

  • Main area: description and technical metadata, which differ for each resource type, as presented below.

  • Right side area: information on how to cite the item 1 , sharing functionality of the item through social media, statistical data (counts of views and, for ELG-hosted data, downloads or times used), links to other versions of the item, administrative metadata (e.g., contact email address, landing page, funding project(s), etc. for resources, contact details for organizations, etc.), and export of the metadata records in various metadata schemas and formats.

View page (overview tab) of a tool/service


Some view pages include a Claim button at the top; for more information, see Claim an item.

View tool/service

The view page for a tool/service consists of at least two tabs:

  • Overview: contains the main metadata (e.g., description of basic features, function, input and output language(s) and data format(s), etc.), links to supporting documentation, contact details, resource providers, etc.

View page (overview tab) of a tool/service
  • Download/Run 2: includes the licensing terms under which the tool/service can be accessed, and relevant technical information (i.e., whether it can be downloaded and executed locally, is provided with source code, etc.).

View page (download tab) of a tool/service

In addition, the tab Related LRTs appears when the metadata record of a service includes information on LRTs that bear some kind of relation with it, e.g. when it is part of a workflow, has another version, etc. If the related LRTs are included in the ELG catalogue, a hyperlink to their view pages is provided.

View page (related LRTs tab) of a tool/service

Finally, ELG-compatible services have two more tabs, Try out and Code samples, that can be used for running the service. For more information, click here.

View data resource

Data resources, i.e. corpora, lexical/conceptual resources, models and grammars, have at least two tabs:

  • Overview: this tab contains the main metadata: description, subclass, keyword(s), domain(s), etc., as well as links to supporting documentation, contact details, resource providers, etc. Some properties are grouped under the parts of a resource in the central section. Each part is characterised by the media type (e.g., text, audio, video etc.). This allows us, for example, to describe a multimedia corpus of videos, their audio excerpts (in English), the transcriptions of the recordings (in an annotated format), and the subtitles in one or more languages (English and French, provided in plain text files), as a set of four distinct parts with the corresponding properties.

View page (overview tab) of a corpus
  • Download 3: The second tab includes the licensing terms under which the resource can be accessed, and technical details on how it can be accessed (i.e., whether it can be downloaded, used via an interface, etc.), as well as details on formats and size. If the resource has been uploaded to ELG, you will also be able to download it directly; otherwise, you will be re-directed to the original access location.

View page (download tab) of a corpus

In addition, the tab Related LRTs appears when the metadata record of a data resource includes information on LRTs that bear some kind of relation with it, e.g. when it is a subset of a corpus, has annotated versions, etc. If the related LRTs are included in the ELG catalogue, a hyperlink to their view pages is provided.

View page (related LRTs tab) of a corpus

The next three figures show the items for lexical/conceptual resources (lexica, terminologies, ontologies, etc.), models and grammars respectively, with information tabs similar to those of corpora.

View page of a lexical/conceptual resource View page of a model View page of a grammar

The Try out tab appears for a special class of data resources which are accessible via a SPARQL endpoint.

View page of a resource accessible via a SPARQL endpoint

View organization

The following figure shows the default view page of an organization with a short description, contact details, main LT-related activities and services it offers.

View page of an organization

If the organization is a division of another organization (e.g. faculty of a university), the bottom section of the page includes a link to the parent organization.

View page of a division (bottom section)

Parent organizations have a tab Related organizations with a list of the divisions.

View page of a parent organization (related organizations tab)

If the ELG platform includes LRTs related to an organization (e.g. created by the organization), the tab Related LRTs & projects appears with links to their view pages. The same tab includes the projects an organization coordinates or participates in, if these are described in ELG.

View page of an organization (related LRTs tab)

View project

The following figure shows the default view page of a project with a short description, contact details, funding information, participating organizations, etc.

View page of a project

If the ELG platform includes LRTs related to a project (e.g. funded by this project), the tab Related LRTs appears with links to their view pages.

View page of a project (related LRTs tab)

For ELG-hosted resources and ELG-compatible services, which are assigned a DOI, the citation text includes the DOI link, and follows the DataCite recommended format. For all the other resources, the citation text includes the link to the metadata record.


The Download/Run tab does not appear for services marked as Work in progress. These are ELG compatible services that will be integrated at ELG and are in the process of being created by the providers. For such cases, some of the information is not yet known (e.g. licence, docker image location) and therefore cannot be displayed. When the resource is ready, the record will be updated with the right metadata and this tab will be visible.


The Download tab does not appear for resources marked as Work in progress. These are data resources that will be hosted at ELG and are in the process of being created by the providers. For such cases, some of the information is not yet known (e.g. size of the resource, licence) and therefore cannot be displayed. When the resource is ready, the record will be updated with the right metadata and this tab will be visible.